Eliminating Injuries Through Education

Practical onsite workshops that give people a choice on how to prevent injuries, get healthy and pain free.  Used by a wide variety of employers in business, government, and industry.

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Preventing Injuries Since 1983

For 40 years we have been interacting, engaging and caring for what matters most, people.  Our experienced facilitators meet with your people to teach how and why injuries occur and then practice the skills to prevent them.

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Empowers people to perform work safely in any environment.


Engages people in understanding how the body works to change behavior immediately.


Equips people with knowledge  to enable better decisions in physical challenges and healthcare needs.

Making an Impact

by providing professional education to business and industry to reduce sprains, strains and back injuries. In our experience better decisions happen when people understand about injury and healing and are empowered to get results for themselves. Knowledge empowers people so they can perform their work safely in any environment.

Educating people for 40 Years

We are dedicated to customer satisfaction and building long-term relationships with our clients.  We’ve saved millions for our clients and over 400,000 backs one at a time.

Workshops taught

People educated

Simple Process

SAVE A BACK is a service based on the belief that education works and is the key to injury prevention and wellness. 

The Right Choice

People are choosing to change behaviors because they’re engaged in the knowledge of basic truths about their body that are supported by science, personal experience and immediate physical practice.

Benefits of our Workshops

It can be frustrating not to achieve the expected results or compliance after a good safety program. The problem is getting people to choose well. Better decisions happen when people understand about injury and healing and want results for themselves.  SAVE A BACK provides information directly to the people at risk.  The benefit to the EHS professional is that              SAVE A BACK does the job of engaging people in what they can do today to change their behaviors to prevent injuries.

Entire Workforce

SAVE A BACK assists with workplace health issues that affect your entire workforce.

Reduce painful and costly back injuries on and off the job

Improve overall health and well being

Teach how to have a healthy back

Frequently Asked Questions

SAVE A BACK workshops get people thinking and stimulated to ask questions.  Here are just a few answers to some basic questions.  If you have a question about SAVE A BACK please call or leave us a message.
How is SAVE A BACK different?
Meeting the needs of people by instilling an enduring message that lasts a lifetime. 30 years ago a young man participated in a SAVE A BACK class at an oil company in Midland Texas. We recently had the opportunity to speak with him. He reflected on what he thought and experienced at the time of the class, then his feelings so many years later. He said, “We thought we were going into a boring 4 hour class that would take up half of the day. But we were pleasantly surprised, because it was an exciting program.  The best training I have ever had.” A lifetime has passed and he still remembers how to save his back.
Where can I get a back roll like the instructor showed in the SAVE A BACK class?
The lumbar rolls that SAVE A BACK demonstrates are McKenzie Lumbar Rolls. You can get them directly from the U.S. Distributor, OPTP at 1 800-367-7393.
How can I schedule a SAVE A BACK workshop for my employees?
Just give us a call at 800 284-4722 and tell us which dates are best for you!  We will make all the arrangements to have an experienced facilitator present at your facility.  Our facilitator will show up at your location and present the information and encourage participation.  All we require is a room to meet the needs of your attendees.
Isn't the goal in life to be comfortable?

Everybody wants to retire someday from “work” and get comfortable.  However retiring from moving to be comfortable is not a good idea.  That would cripple the joints and muscles for the immediate gratification of comfort.  Instead, regularly practice the movements needed for the body to fight against the discomfort of age.  All bodies need exercise to remain pain free.  Limiting movement for the sake of comfort leads to a downward slope to physical disability.  SAVE A BACK encourages people to keep moving!

My grandma has bad posture, doesn't that mean the same thing will eventually happen to me?
Eventually, if you don’t actively fight, yes you will look like your grandma. Our bodies are impacted by gravity. Gravity is constantly pushing down on us. The force of gravity, which has not changed since the beginning of life on earth, and it is heavy. If we don’t push against the effective force of gravity it will eventually affect our posture. This weight produces grandmas with forward flexed postures. (Assuming your grandma is in one of those forward flexed postures.) The hope is that you effectively change your way of thinking and by learning what the causes bad postures then perform techniques to fight gravity so as not to end up like grandma.
Should my child use a backpack?
It depends, Is there any cheating going on? Cheating occurs when the person is unable to maintain an upright position with the loaded pack on their back. If their journey is 10 minutes they should have the strength and endurance to stand upright without any leaning forward for 10 minutes. If the journey is 20 minutes they should be able to stand upright for 20 minutes, again without bending or “cheating” by bending forward to counter balance the weight of the backpack. When you spend the majority of your time bending forward, whether in sitting, lifting, pushing, pulling or “cheating” while carrying a back pack, you are more likely to experience back pain.
Do toning shoes really work?
Yes they do! Of course you have to exercise while you are wearing them. The misunderstanding is that merely because you went out of your way, invested your hard earned money and then subsequently put the shoes on your feet you will miraculously improve the shape of your backside. However that is when the work begins. It is silly to think that shoes alone will produce improved muscle tone and a decreased amount of fat. So the answer is still yes. Put on the shoes, any shoes, and go for a walk, a jog, or a run. And you will improve the shape of your bottom.
Which number bed is best for me?
What number do you like best? If you don’t know you’ll need to go to the mattress store to find out. You can buy one first, bring it home and then decide what number you prefer. However the average person settles in at 45 to 55. So why buy 1 to 99? Ideally, especially in our economy, the goal is to purchase what you need. Another option is to lie on one in the store. Relax as you lie on the mattress for 20 minutes to an hour or so and find the mattress number the suits you. Then you won’t have to budget for the 89 other densities of support. There are several brands of mattresses on the market. All of which are perfectly fine for the majority of people with a variety of budgets to draw from.
I saw an advertisement in the newspaper for tablets that relieve Sciatica. Will the pills work for me?
Sciatica refers to pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. It is caused by injury or mechanical pressure on the sciatic nerve. Each sciatic nerve begins in the lower spine and runs down the back of the leg. Sciatica is a symptom of another problem, not a medical condition on its own. Sciatica is common and can be resolved with exercises and positioning. Can the pills relieve the mechanical pressure on your nerve? Do your research and find out how the ingredients will resolve your mechanical back pain. They may just give you diarrhea. Be careful with any pills.
Should I start walking for exercise if I have diabetes and back pain?
Absolutely, you have two reasons to make regular cardiovascular exercise part of your daily routine. Researchers from the National Institute of Health found that you could lower your odds of diabetes by 30% by participating in a regular cardiovascular exercise program. Not only does cardiovascular exercise increase the blood flow to the structures of your back, which positively affects the discs and joints, exercise also boosts you sensitivity to insulin and lowers you blood sugar. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or are pre diabetic your blood sugar is too high. So if simple brisk walking on a regular basis would help lower your sugar level why wouldn’t you do it, to save your back too?

400k+ Satisfied Customers

“I found this course easy to understand. I feel all employees should participate in this class.”
Distributing company in VA

“The material was thorough and comprehensive, clear and concise. It was a refreshing way to spend four hours, a presentation that leaves a strong impression.”
Kraft Foods - New York, NY

“The most worthwhile program I have ever been to! This was great! Why haven’t we had this sooner?”
Smelter Employee, WA


“The year before doing the SAVE A BACK programs our division experienced 33 back strain/sprains. The year after the programs, we only experienced 8 back strains/sprains and the year after that the number went to 7.”


Power company’s follow-up statement


“Back injuries were a total of 25% of all our injuries. We didn’t even have one in our first year after SAVE A BACK training. The guys all still talk about it and tell me they still use the exercises.”


Power generating plant’s follow-up statement


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Need a Handout?

Did you attend a SAVE A BACK workshop? Need to refresh your memory? You can get a copy of the handout by clicking on the button below.

Reach Us

We want to hear from you. Get in touch to get a quote.
462 Marmora Avenue Tampa, FL 33606
1(800) 284-4722

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